Tribal Malaysian Society

Posted March 22, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

,,,How best to explain this tribal malaysian society, meaning that it is made up of groups of people who share a common ancestry, religion, culture and generally from well defined region. Laws were designed to bring uniformity to society and to serve the interest of the ruling class or/and the so called majority.
,,,Lives of the locals were so closely intertwined and so ruled by convention, causing them to think and act so much alike, that they often seemed to behave more byinstinct than rational thought. The educational and economic system of the country was/is designed to further this herd-like approach in life and living.
,,,Behavior in virtually all circumstances was/is minutely prescribed, and therefore became predictable to an extrordinary degree. Any aberrations from “normal” expected behavior were serious transgressions, and were routinely punished or ISA to be more direct.
,,,This high degree of cultural conformity and social control reduced the role of independent thought and action, often resulting in “intuition” being dominant in malaysian society. All Malaysian is expected to “KNEW” what was/is right or wrong without applying rational thought !. Such that the use of objctive reason in making decision and settling matters was/is regarded as cold and often inhuman.
,,,Using “intuition” was/is better than using reason because more often than not it represented the only culturally acceptable so called solution.
,,,Malaysian society today is fast changing but enough of the old traditional cultural conditioning remains in the make-up of the average middle-aged and older malaysian to cause them to first react intuitively to almost virtually everything that confronts them.
,,,Many older Malaysian, especially those in UMNO/BN are simply behind the times. They just deny the extraordinary changes that have taken place in the life styles of the younger generations plus the educated malaysian public.

Love Malaysia

Posted March 16, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

…To all you good malaysians out there, lets just put a STOP to race bashing, for heaven sake and move on ?. Am dead sure, we can come up with many creative proposals…its the economy that we must concentrate !……. and EDUCATION, EDUCATION, education. Don’t let the dirty racist politicians fool around with our future.
,,,Unfortunately perhaps, too many of us are just bloody self centred and as such needs reconnection with the real world outside. But most don’t know how ?. So I guess, re-education plus listening/reading with an open mind would be a good start. Your inputs are indeed valuable and most welcome too, for others to realise as to how/what/why on issues been deliberated without getting too emotional about subject matter or getting personal to each other and worse to the blog writer on his platform !.
,,,This crazy “blame game” is indeed unnecessary and most childish if i may add without hurting anyone’s feeling. Most of us, unfortunately need to grow-up in this sense but its not too bloody late. This new media in the e-world does allow quick re-education to most and its good for a start,,,do communicate but be objective and do please focus on primary subject issue as per the writer’s initial subject rather than bringing in non-issues or un-related issues. THINK positive always too-lah.
,,,for those, that have a burning desire to speak-out on other interesting subject issue, do set up your own blog and write about it ?. See the responses and be challenged as it stand.
,,,Not only the muslim world is being challenged right now but all religion is in fact been put aside by many lost souls.
,,,A belief in God makes society more wholesome. A wholehearted submission to God’s teaching and grace makes the world a better place for all…. See more
,,,am no preacher myself but they that deny God, destroy man’s nobility ! Hitler believed that ‘the will to power’ had replaced God, and he started the horrific and devastating Second World War in 1939… 70 years passed, we are getting into another uncalled for ‘world war of words’ i.e. www ?…even more devastating to the normal human mind, if I might say. All religion preaches humility in humanity, don’t deny that ever. Think rationally and lets make this a better world before our time is up ?. Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this ; that you are dreadfully like other people…..and don’t believe the world owns you a living; the world owns you nothing – it was here first. Just earn your bloody living and love this country Malaysia !.
12 March at 12:35 ·

Politics in Malaysia

Posted March 10, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

Dear People of Malaysia, (some local news up-dates !!) hehehe.

,,,Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown of the Economy, your Putrajawa Government has decided to implement a scheme to put Workers 50 years of age and older on early retirement. This scheme Will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early).

,,,Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to the government to be eligible For the SHAFT scheme (Special Help After Forced Termination).

,,,Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW program (Scheme Covering Retired Early Workers). A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many times as the government Deems appropriate.

,,,Only persons who have been RAPED can get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependants & Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance). Obviously, persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not Be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by the government..

,,,Persons who are not RAPED and are staying on, will receive as much SHIT (Special High Intensity Training) as possible. The government Has always prided itself in the amount of SHIT it gives out. Should You feel that you do not receive enough SHIT, please bring this to the Attention of your local MP. They have been trained to give you all the SHIT you can handle.


Najis @ mdm Piggy’s hubby.

Merging of Reason and Emotion

Posted March 6, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

,,,the one biggest factor that stands out in malaysian life is the role of emotion, which unfortunately often takes precedence over reason ! So not surprisingly, this one local trait has been more critized by foreign investors than any other facet of malaysian attitude and behavior-lah.

,,,foreigner plus local businessmen when come face to face with typical malaysian behavior across the cultural board reinevitably surprised and ultimately frustrated by innumerable instances when emotion, rather than reason, determines the actions and follow-up reaction of their Malaysian counter part or Partner.

,,,its perhaps nothing more irritating to the logical-minded businessmen than becoming involved with anyone, much less a whole nation, who does not behave in a ‘reasonable manner’. To both foreigner and local businessmen, people who allow their emotions to direct a substantial part of their behavior are suspect and not to be trusted with anything of importance.

,,,Indeed, when emotionalism goes beyond a very low level we regard it as insanity. ,,,So let these be a reminder to all the Dewarajas in Putrajaya, just don’t act crazy, tone down your politics of emotionalism but to face reality before GE 13, which i over heard yesterday at KLIA that it will be held next year b4 things get crazier by the day as we the rakyat can see and feel it daily.

 ,,,if not for Sabahan and Sarawakian the Dewarajas can kiss good bye to their seats in Putrajaya by the next election.

,,,Thank God AlMighty that our, Yang Mulia Raja beraja don’t have to stand for election. Just play your special royal role as per poor rakyat’s expectation and don’t let the Dewarajas over-rule you Yang Mulia Tuanku.

,,,Ampun Tuanku.

,,,Patik yang taat setia.

…lucky me, am not emotional. “what is WRONG cannot ever be politically right”

,,,,i hope and pray that the rakyat and nation will get it right the next time round ??.

Beautiful Malaysia

Posted March 1, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

,,,The reality of my simple life and living in Malaysia i.e. from the color blind eyes of an apolitical guy plus a firm believer of that all religions do spreads kindness, forgiveness and peace, which the world needs badly. And not naive, to be aware that politically-made laws and wishes can occasionally turn society upside down as they have done so in history. Just again get the politics of our politicians out of the equation, just turn to God, Culture and Humanity for all perpetuators of wars and bloodshed have clearly turned their backs to God.

,,,Indeed now back to our main subject issue, Malaysia is a melting pot of people from all walks of life, various races and origins. A “rojak” bunch if you don’t mind me saying i.e. “mixed salad”. Her population consists of an interesting mix of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Eurasian, Sikh, Iban, Kadazan, Dayaks i.e. all natives tribes combined together, Orang aslis or Aboriginies in Malaya and others of many other uncountable/unknown/yet un-name ethnic communities. !!.

,,,Despite of all of these plus melange of cultures and unique traditions, mutual respect and tolerance are the special qualities that bind all Malaysian together as one.

,,,These diversity of cultures in Malaysia is evident in the colourful spectrum of traditions, festivals and most interestingly cuisines for all to taste and enjoy. Due to population density plus her historical background, Islam is the official religion, however, other religions are being practised freely. Malaysian from various races and cultural backgrounds practise Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism and other faiths. A belief in God makes society more wholesome. God’s teaching and grace makes the world a better place too.

,,,This multiracial population has given rise to many beautiful and charming places of worship. One can appreciate the beauty of the various Mosques, Buddhist and Taoist, Indian and Sikh temples, Thai wats and Churches of different denominations dotting the streets and country sites of Malaysia. It is not impossible to actually find within the same places where mosque, temples, church co-exist along the same street, if not even side by side too. Just stroll along such places at Jalan Masjid Kapitan Kling in Penang, Jalan Tokong in Malacca or Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur plus many locations in Ipoh.

,,,Indeed, with so many interesting cultures co-existing in harmony within her shores, Malaysia and Malaysian naturally boasts a myriad of festivals celebrated throughout the year. The major festivals are Aidilfitri (Eid-ur-Fitr), Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas, Vasakhi, Gawai Dayak and Tadau Ka’amatan. ,,,Its during these colourful fastivals, Malaysians practice a special local concept called “open-house”, an occasion to receive well-wishes and much feasting plus merry-making, as everyone partakes in the gaiety of the occasion. Indeed, all Malaysians of all races, colours and religions join together in the festivities as almost as family members, if not more so.

,,,Such is the “cultures in harmony” in Malaysia and lets work on it to our strategic advantage plus for the future generation to enjoy life and living in Malaysia

Challenging and Finding New Malay Leadership again !.

Posted February 24, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

From the dawn of Malaya’s then present Malaysia’s history down to the Merdeka days till today, innovation and change were NOT commonplace in this nation of ours. But copying is IN indeed and prideful of it too…geee ! i.e Proton as a typical example for the world to se…e ?.Apa dah jadi ?.

,,,The malays (in fact all malaysians for that matter) were conditioned to obey (ikut perentah), or act in groups, and to conform. They become masters at following precise patterns of behavior set down for them and when there were no exect guidelines for them to follow, they were often at lost for what to do – and were prone to do something very unexpected or NOTHING at all !. RELAX-lah…sampai esok pagi ayam berkokok and nothing happens !.

,,,Until still today the melayu’s follow the leader syndrome continues to be a paramout force in much of Malay society and business practises. Very few Malay individuals or companies are willing to strike on their own, to make the step change. Most prefer to continue coping the success of others, and base their whole management philosophy on that approach.

,,,The imitation is pretty much across the board, from apparel styles and entertainment to high-tech products and especially services. The average Malay businessman still waits for someone else to lead before undertaking any new venture. ,,,It will probably be well into the 21st century before the average malay businessman will be able to break the cultural bonds that bind him/her and nurture the GAMBLER’S spirit and the true ENTREPRENEURIAL bent that characterize OTHERs from outside and within this country of ours !. My final take is that we MELAYU don’t have to look far OUTSIDE the country, just within the so called the “OTHERS” yet brotherly/sisterly malaysians and learn from them, in fact to finally except them as part and parcel of “US”, for indeed they are part of “WE” the bloody weak malaysians, if we don’t stand UNITED !. Lets put our so called RIGHT of PRIDE aside and face the realities of life & living in this modern era of Globalization. BUT we must still be PROUD of ourselves as we earn it. Melayu tak akan hapus dari dunia ini-lah yaa ! No worries about it.

,,,o.k.-lah, we are used to follow the Leader but unfortunately we still lack capable LEADERSHIP presently due to corruption and lack in morality or the ‘political will’ not in just helping out the situation but making it worse.   Geee !.

,,,Wake-up MELAYU Oii !!….no free lunch nowadays too…plus lets find and vote in true leaders to lead this nation again ?. Does it so matter that only Malay Malaysians be in the leadership role ?. INDEED, if only they deserves it-lah. BUT a Malaysian is a Malaysian as far as I am concerned yaa. It should not make any difference, if we really want to move forward TOGETHER.

Stop the “Othering” and act “Together”

Posted February 23, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

,,,a sustained project of ‘Othering’ a community with the intention of serving the interests of racialised capitalism and bumiputrism (as post-colonialism) by the ruling BN Govn. lead by UMNO/MCA/MIC etc needs to be reviewed/reformed accordingly.

,,,The sad irony is that in the countries of Southeast Asia today such racialised discourse has never been effectively rejected or even criticised, but rather have become the norms of politics in the postcolonial era.

,,,Unless these mindset/attitude be over come in good faith for the future generation and nation, we still face an up-hill task from an truely Malaysianized state. ,,,Bearing these in mind, Political maturity and facing the challenges of the globalized world, as one nation/state would not be an easy stroll in the jungle of existing international competition. We have to together over come this subject issue b4 moving forward to face the world as a single team player. ……..”Our Malaysian Team.”

,,,And its about time too.

Our once beautiful nation, MALAYSIA.

Posted February 23, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

,,,am sorry but I too just take it anymore ! Indeed, I love this beautiful country of ours BUT things are really bad, its not in perception but in real life in front of our/my own very eyes !!. What has got into these UMNOputra leadership nowadays ?. Am still apolitical yet I voted for UMNO/BN all these years and having good faith in them to lead this country. To finally address and correct the ,,,so much wrong doings, selfishness and arrogance that is just NOT right to the rakyat jelata. We just want simple justice and fair play for all. We are a family as Malaysians. Tak kira bangsa, ugama dan politik masing masing. Kita nak cari makan, hidup dan mati di-negara ini. ,,,unfortunately majority of our politicians to be very “specific” the elitist UMNOputras and those entrusted in the government and authorities are creating much misery to the rest of the rakyat from their greediness, corruption, and unjustifiable misused of power and lack of transparency and accountability, good governance and and and……. plus many more vices !!.

,,,They should all remember that what is morally wrong cannot be politically right. ,,,what kind of malaysian culture are these “animals” trying to develop and to keep !. Have they no sense of shame ?. It is just appalling how the politicians, government and some communities plus selected individuals could ever condone these, or even turn their coats to enjoy or propagate such degraded human behaviour….corruption !.

,,,The impact on our malaysian society is very grave. Man’s obsessive and selfish greed for wealth and power clouds his conscience and this brings more vice and problems to our Malaysian society at large.

,,,In fact, I am pretty speechless. Words fail me here,,,,,,,,,sorry !. I just can’t cont……….!!!!!!. sedih-nya.(too emotional) sorry, i need a break here ya…….

 cont. …I can feel for you guys too my malaysian bro/sis, BUT is this the end of the road for our beautiful nation ?. I guess so, what a bloody shame BUT for the betterment of this beloved country, we really really need a major CHANGE in UMNO herself by getting rid of almost all the existing corrupted leadership… to dissolve her and form a new party for all right thinking Malaysians !!. ,,,YES !! Perhaps ??….. I don’t really know the right answers for now, I can only hope and pray for the best for the Nation and for our future generation.

Salam everyone out there….very sorry again, to sound too negative this time round !. A spade is a space not a golden spoon as to most of the UMNO/BN politicians. Its about time we use the spade to dig a proper grave for the UMNOputra.

Lets put a Full STOP to all these NONSENSE once and for all.,,,”biar mati bapak jangan mati anak”.

Why you no English speaking eerr ?.

Posted February 22, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

,,,Guess for the older malaysian generation, we still acknowledge and celebrate our ties to British education and British institutions not out of sentimentality but out of an understanding that these are foundational influences that have had much to do with stability and competitiveness as a nation.
,,,British educational, administrative, legal and cultural institutions continue to be of vital importance to us as Malaysians. YES indeed, we utilized it and brought this nation of our to this modern era by sheer blood,  sweat and tears.
,,,We still need to reaffirm these links without political blinkers, understand their cultural, political and economic importance to us, and build on them.
,,,One result of such a change of attitude should be a rethinking of our attitude to the English language. By now it is also a Malaysian language. It would be sheer hypocrisy to deny its value and centrality to us as Malaysians.
,,,Do we continue to deny in political rhetoric what we practice in reality, or do we grasp the situation and come up with better policies for the teaching and adoption of the language?. My question to the ruling elites ??..THINK logically too and forget about PRIDE !.
,,,Rather than indulge in grand schemes of cultural “import substitution” we should appreciate the extent of these influences and links and explore ways to develop them further.
,,,indeed we need to HOTWIRE some heads in PUTRAJAYA too !. Please use your head-lah for God’s  sake !.


“Who deserves to be called wise?. He who finds something to learn from others” and “You will always meet someone who can tell you something you didn’t or refused to know before.  Accept it, digest it”

i rest my case.

Domestic terrorism becoming radicalized ?.

Posted February 22, 2010 by captslonghouse
Categories: Uncategorized

,,,it is worth asking whether we faces a growing threat from potential domestic terrorism, and to what degree those involved in terrorism are becoming radicalized not in some far-flung locations, but right here in the Malaysia ??. Scary thoughts indeed !!.

In the years after 9/11, Malaysian Muslims in the general were widely assumed to be less sympathetic to Islamist radicalism than their Middle Eastern counterparts. This has been attributed to the higher skill level, their relative economic success, the peaceful form of Islam being preached in nearly all mosques. (but there are growing new radicals too..which i have observed first hand nowadays Geee !!)
,,,The latest trend in principles of free speech and religious pluralism, and the melting-pot culture of the nation is/are being put to a test plus being questioned by all parties. Via IT comm. blogging their views unchallenged most times on negativities..unfortunately too yaa!!.
,,,And, indeed, the danger from homegrown terrorism in the years after 9/11 was less acute in the
malaysia than in middle Eastern, where many more serious plots were disrupted.
,,,But of late, recent events suggest that things may be changing. That arrests/killings during the last 12 months and intelligence gained via just press reports “indicate that radicalization to violence is taking place closer at home i.e. just across/surrounding borders with our still friendly ASEAN neighbors.” We indeed have to be extra careful and watch out in not getting oneself/ourselves dragged into it unknownly. The signs are out there !! be careful, extra extra careful.
,,,by golly, it has already started…cow’s head and pig’s head, what bloody next ? Yours or my head !!!….Lets put a STOP to it !.