Merging of Reason and Emotion

,,,the one biggest factor that stands out in malaysian life is the role of emotion, which unfortunately often takes precedence over reason ! So not surprisingly, this one local trait has been more critized by foreign investors than any other facet of malaysian attitude and behavior-lah.

,,,foreigner plus local businessmen when come face to face with typical malaysian behavior across the cultural board reinevitably surprised and ultimately frustrated by innumerable instances when emotion, rather than reason, determines the actions and follow-up reaction of their Malaysian counter part or Partner.

,,,its perhaps nothing more irritating to the logical-minded businessmen than becoming involved with anyone, much less a whole nation, who does not behave in a ‘reasonable manner’. To both foreigner and local businessmen, people who allow their emotions to direct a substantial part of their behavior are suspect and not to be trusted with anything of importance.

,,,Indeed, when emotionalism goes beyond a very low level we regard it as insanity. ,,,So let these be a reminder to all the Dewarajas in Putrajaya, just don’t act crazy, tone down your politics of emotionalism but to face reality before GE 13, which i over heard yesterday at KLIA that it will be held next year b4 things get crazier by the day as we the rakyat can see and feel it daily.

 ,,,if not for Sabahan and Sarawakian the Dewarajas can kiss good bye to their seats in Putrajaya by the next election.

,,,Thank God AlMighty that our, Yang Mulia Raja beraja don’t have to stand for election. Just play your special royal role as per poor rakyat’s expectation and don’t let the Dewarajas over-rule you Yang Mulia Tuanku.

,,,Ampun Tuanku.

,,,Patik yang taat setia.

…lucky me, am not emotional. “what is WRONG cannot ever be politically right”

,,,,i hope and pray that the rakyat and nation will get it right the next time round ??.

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